Alabama Back Roads

The Alabama back roads will open up an entirely different state that most people do not know about, even if you have lived here most of your life.

Most people think of Alabama as a flat state that is hot and humid year around, and while that is true in some of the state, it can be totally opposite in the majority of it.

The Appalachian Mountains can be found on the Alabama back roads

View of The Appalachian Mountains in AlabamaIt Shocks Most People When They Find Out the Appalachian Mountains Actually End in Alabama

In fact, the north and northeastern regions of Alabama as well as the eastern border alongside of Georgia are quite hilly and mountainous.

The central, west, and southwestern areas of the state are covered with grasslands that are gently sloped on the western side rolling into Mississippi, as well as the Gulf of Mexico.

What is not well known about this beautiful state and can only be truly appreciated by the Alabama backroads, are the Appalachian Mountains.

Very few people realize that this majestic mountain range starts in the Newfoundland and Labrador areas of Canada, and then travels all the way into the north central Alabama area.

This beautiful mountain range actually extends over 1,500 miles from Canada as well as several New England States into the north, before making its way south into the north central areas of Alabama.

Because of this, this beautiful state is very heavily wooded to the point that over 65% of all land areas are covered in forest.

If you were to take the Alabama back roads in the northeastern part of the state, you would find Lookout Mountain which is the most prominent large mountain in the state.

Going down south to the central part of the state, you will find the Talladega range of the Appalachians, where the highest mountain in the state, Cheaha Mountain, sets at 2,407 feet in height.

While this is not partially high for a mountain in most states, it is high for the south.  

There are also several Plateau areas of this beautiful state that most people are not aware of, and again the best way to explore them is through the Alabama back roads. 

There Are Several Plateau's as Well

View for Lookout Mountain in AlabamaOne Of The Alabama Backroads Most Scenic Areas

The first of these is the Cumberland Plateau which is located in the northern part of the state and is surrounded by the Tennessee River system as well as many medium and small tributaries.

The Piedmont Plateau is in the southeast portion of the state, and is much less elevated as it averages only about 1,000 feet above sea level.

Another very good reason to take the Alabama back roads is to explore the numerous underground caves found all over the state.

These caves surprise even the residents of this state, unless you are aware of them by these backroads.

In the southern part of the state you will find numerous swamps as well as marshlands along the Coastal Plain that runs along the Gulf of Mexico, and stretches all the way into northern Florida.

There are also over 1350 miles of rivers that are completely navigable and again are best discovered by the Alabama backroads.

In fact, there are more navigable rivers in this gorgeous state than any other state in the country.

The major rivers include the Alabama, Chattahoochee, Conecuh, Mobile, Tennessee, and the Tombigbee rivers.

The Alabama back roads will take you to these rolling hills, mountains, forests, caves, and rivers, that most of the interstate systems have bypassed.  

Maybe it is time you takes these less traveled roads to explore this beautiful state.

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